Batch 2 & 3 update:. - The following wallets don't have links to the gsheets for accounting:.

27 May 2022, 03:17
Batch 2 & 3 update: - The following wallets don't have links to the gsheets for accounting: 0xF8aff8bb8e012e9d1DD8d35E6CA32110e7Ec366d 0xF5d9B0db68A97fa3A71BAD22612d6cD26FF02860 0x77337dfe579a03a07a475870DB443d65127F0769 0xF8570f4D55cF87F36d68D5aF85a31aE383B10905 0x6f7e729e98e4d64a9950143a63230c146ee154f6 0xa92514d186F213b6a8096495404b7362B7a727C1 0xE2e5Dd78b1537fE1b3634c8AC0046401f65b23d5 - Major issues with the accounting and evidence data: 0xFB10dED004A53b8d2a310040244D62C89bfEf654 0x6823636c2462cfdcD8d33fE53fBCD0EdbE2752ad 0x80aD4301e9B776F00Fff79dCA31884f44aEA145F 0x472bd588deF49938e7D336e8cbE2A6BCF072F760 This can range from lacking api keys for CEXes to wrong use of the template/bad accounting infos. - Minor issues: 0x8fDAD51271CE0EDb901799426fEc4A319dCd0Add 0x4A208d93546C17D2F91e64Dd543f7Fb6Ec8aE9d3 0x91E7d625BfDc41D64dB0D17aFdcDC97eb4D8433a 0xA4368Dcead894Bc193e20A0D4E62279cA80b776d 0x03f43678C3713F12c695f631d708c5eF64547ECB - Ok: 0x038269EFf891669912e9e57Dd32b523D5BD37605 0x7BabB66a9B36922bA7BB85F072F2fCFad6C51727 0x54E0b2F6Abb4B4D7f766F3876D9e6bf2F4D63415 0x00bC5b61042Fa8375DbA651A2309Bc5595302ec1 0x4030E6BC34e90B3CF8d57324E55834E916841FaD 0x822F229BF739D7489b1C2dFAc25E627a68ede599 0x8aD0A8A22496655e62e2ddE19B8963b2a741351f - Not covered (just our point of view): 0x4feF95F00cAd48b0DD54e2be524C58A8499429e7 For all, please make sure to provide the full trail of the origin of the UST (bought on CEX, DEX, etc.) as it is missing in all the gsheets Once confident enough with the different pieces of data/evidence, feel free to fill a claim on the app and include the link to the gsheet and the pdf version. A guide to help with the details for Batch 2 and 3 will be provided tomorrow. Note: some cases are still being checked